Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Christina Aguilera Bra

Many Hollywood artists who perform surgery to enlarge breasts, especially to support the appearance. There are acknowledged, there is not.

Although not acknowledged, singer Christina Aguilera is rumored to have done breast implants. This is based on observations of health professionals through the surgical scar under the arm Aguilera.

The scar was visible when the singer of 'Reflection' is attending the launch of her latest film 'Burlesque' in Japan, some time ago. When walking on the red carpet, waving to his fans Aguilera, and visible incision scar near his right armpit.

According to the Daily Mail, a small scar that may be evidence of breast augmentation surgery through the implant technique that slashed under the arm near the armpit.

A health expert says, this implant method tends popular and much in demand because it does not leave a scar on the breast. The celebrity most choose to perform breast surgery in this way.

But until the news was revealed, Aguilera has never been revealed and confirmed that she had undergone breast enlargement surgery.

Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

Eight Signs of Resurrection

A variety of natural events could be signs of doom is getting closer. The scientists identified the potential of the approach of the final days of life.

Here are eight potential destruction of human life on earth version of the scientists and science fiction writers.

1. Gamma ray burst
Gamma rays or other radiation can cause damage to satellites orbiting the planet. Chris DePree, a professor at Agnes Scott College and Director of the Bradley Observatory said the gamma ray burst could happen when the supernova exploded.

He estimates that the explosion occurred every 30 years of light and will fly some of Earth's atmosphere, creating a global fire, and killed the majority of species living on planet earth in a few months. "It could even turn off also for the creatures that live thousands of feet under water," he said.

2. Spread of deadly virus
In the book Directive 51, the writer John Barnes explains how the "mind virus" could destroy the world. The virus, according to Barnes, can emerge and spread through the internet. "In recent years the Internet enables all things to spread and grow quickly," he said.

A professor of aeronautics and astronautics at Purdue University, Barrett Caldwell internet virus equate this with "mass psychogenic illness." "Virus" is able to infect anyone, young and old, until they are isolated, "he said.

3. Polar reversal
Every few hundred thousand years, earth's magnetic polar regions contained in turn. Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute says the poles of the earth's magnetic reversals can occur due to the influence of atomic particles from space.

4. The universe continues to grow and expand
Because the earth expands more rapidly and widely, the stars will move farther from each other. At that time, no protons or electrons in the universe, so there is no interaction via the strong force, weak or no electromagnetic waves. In short, all the matter and will fly apart.

5. Scientific experiment too far
McQuade scientists had criticized the modern experiments conducted at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. There, the researchers look for signs of big-bang or apocalypse. "They were tested with free energy and the risk of a big explosion," he said.

6. Volcanic eruptions.
About 73 thousand years ago a super big mountain in Southeast Asia to make the region erupted like a sea of ashes India. At that time, vulkaning winter lasts for two decades and swept 75 percent of people in the world.

Currently there are an estimated six mountain fruit would make the "eruption" super. Five are located in the United States, including in Wyoming, Long Valley, California, and Valles Caldera, NM, and one beneath Yellowstone National Park.

7. Computers take over all human activity
Computer technology is advancing and the longer it is not impossible-mesinlah machine that will take over all human activity, as happens in the movie Terminator.

8. Outbreaks of flu and cough
Flu and cough suspected to be the most rapid infectious disease spreading.

Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

Dituduh Berilmu Santet

Pasangan suami istri H Mas (60) dan Hj Mai (55), warga Dusun Pokaan Karang Malang, Desa Pokaan, Kecamatan Kapongan, Situbondo, Jawa Timur, dituntut dan dipaksa keluar dari desanya.

Pasutri yang belum lama berkumpul bersama anaknya itu dituduh memilik ilmu santet oleh warga Desa Gebangan dan Pokaan. Warga menuduh kematian putra Sundiana dan Abdul Hadi yang bernama Herik Wijayah (20) akibat disantet tertuduh.

Untuk menghindari terjadinya amuk warga, akhirnya kedua pasutri yang menuduh dan yang dituduh, dipertemukan di Balai Desa Pokaan oleh kepala desa dengan dihadiri seluruh pejabat Muspika Kapongan.

Pertemuan yang dipimpin Kapolsek Kapongan AKP Muhammad Bakri, Selasa (3/8/2010) berlangsung alot karena warga menuntut pihak tertuduh supaya melakukan sumpah pocong atau diusir dari Desa Pokaaan.

“Masyarakat Pokaan dan Gebangan ini sudah resah. Jika memang tidak punya ilmu itu, agar sumpah pocong saja,” ujar Suliyati (41), warga Desa Pokaan.

Kapolsek Muhammad Bakri sempat menimbau agar masyararakat tidak mudah menghakimi sesuatu, apalagi sekarang hampir memasuki bulan Ramadan. “Kalau mau dibuktikan dengan sumpah pocong, ya silakan, kami serahkan kepada yang menuduh dan tertuduh,” jelas Muhammad Bakri.

Menanggapi tuduhan warga itu, H Mas mengaku tidak terima dan karena itu siap membuktikan dengan melakukan sumpah pocong yang disiarkan secara keliling desa agar masyarakat puas. “Saya mau disumpah pocong, karena saya memang tidak punya ilmu yang dituduhkan itu,” tegas H Mas.

Namun, tuntutan sumpah Pocong itu justru ditolak oleh Muhri, orang yang dianggap tokoh masyarakat desa. Alasannya, sumpah pocong akan semakin meresahkan masyarakat.

“Saya tidak setuju disumpah pocong, akan tetapi lebih baik mereka ini diusir atau keluar dari desa ini,” kata Muhri yang diikuti terikan setuju oleh puluhan orang.

Selama ini, warga merasa resah karena mengaku sering mendengar H Mas memutar video porno dengan menggunakan pengeras suara. “Warga sempat marah dan akan merusak rumahnya. Untung, saya berhasil meredam kemarahan warga itu,” terang tokoh masyarakat desa ini.

Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Masih tentang Sinetron Indonesia

Sinetron Terbaru - Actress well-announcer, Sandra Dewi increasingly busy in their activities. Besides mengici music events in the morning, now she was faced with the latest soap opera.

Sinetron - Sandra's latest soap opera entitled 'Heaven and Earth' is running from today (6 / 7) in a private television station. With the increase in his new activity, torn when Sandra was almost exhausted. Because of the need to spend time at the shooting location. However, it Thionghoa blooded woman never complained one bit about it.

For him, if he continues to still work it means Sandra is still in a lot of people notice. "Who does not want to be noticed a lot of people," he said at the MD office Entertaiment, Tanah Abang III, Monday (5 / 7) evening.

Not only that, the woman born in Louth, August 8, 1983 it also had little time for his personal problems. Lucky, a woman who is now undergoing a special relationship with this businessman admitted if the lover never complained about his work, which was time consuming. "If ya want to meet me her location. But so far he had never come, he said embarrassed," he said.

This was not the first time Sandra play in a soap opera that time very time-consuming workmanship. Soared after a successful play himself in soap opera entitled 'Beautiful Love'. "But what makes the difference is that I also had to get up early to fill out an event. So only two hours rest and then shooting again," he said.

And what about family? Women who have a long name Monica Nicholle Sandra Dewi Gunawan Basri, said if his family is very supportive of what the decision himself. Understandably, Sandra can be said as the backbone of the family.

"They only reminded that eating and drinking do not forget vitamins and pray to God. Because that's what can make me stronger," explained the player's Quickie Express film.

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Jadwal Kereta Api Kita

Jadwal Kereta Api di Indonesia - I was one of the commuter Bandung - Jakarta, which is domiciled in Bandung. The existence of fast travel via Toll Cipularang I do not have time to make use of rail service because the travel time by train is not significant compared to the travel.

Jadwal Kereta Api - But, along with the improvement of PT Kereta Api (Persero) Bandung, Jakarta, on a train service on the train, especially when I need a travel service that offers comfort, I am back to using the Jakarta Bandung train commute.

Argo Parahyangan existence as a substitute for Parahyangan and Argo Gede train makes me more confident of a good faith PT Kereta Api (Persero) to improve its services. Thus, the train had left consumers become increasingly competitive.

However, I will submit a complaint about the services of PT Kereta Api on Monday, June 7th, 2010 ago. When I boarded the Argo Rail Parahyangan with scheduled departure at 4:00. It turns out late until 04:15 trains. In addition, it turns out the train stopped at stations Cimahi, by reason of BLB (Stop
Extraordinary) such that I asked the conductor said.

Of the two things I was very disappointed. Because, first, my house was in Kotabaru Parahyangan located closer than Station Cimahi than Bandung station. To travel that should be delayed until 04:00 hours 15 minutes was extraordinary. Given there are no trains passing in the line at that hour. Almost impossible to be late because he was waiting for the train to come (slender).

Second, I had to come to Bandung station because counter worker always said that for 0400 travel only depart from Bandung. Not stopping at
Cimahi station. I am a from Padalarang had to go to Bandung during this
but why the train was able BLB 4 o'clock in Cimahi? Does the train go up and ask for BLB in Cimahi is the 'official' state?

By law every citizen has the same rights and obligations. But, I ask why every train to stop at Cimahi, can not be done for departure Monday, 4 o'clock in the morning except on June 7, 2010 then? Timeliness and suitability of schedule is fundamental to become more value compared to rail and other transportation modes.

I am waiting for the commitment of PT Kereta Api (Persero) for the statement which was broadcast in the media that the PT Kereta Api (Persero) has improved rail service. Bandung, Jakarta, which has especially great potential. All and thank you.